
A Fresh Take

Hola and welcome, friends! I am so excited that you are here.

Some of you may know me from my other blog (though admittedly I have not been nearly as dedicated of a blogger as I should be) The Consummate Hostess. This blog, On A Pretty Placemat, is an attempt to be a better reflection of who I am. Who by the way- might that be? I am a lifelong vegetarian who flirts daily with veganism but am not a fan of titles so I can't officially commit. There is nothing that I love more than losing myself in travel. Exploring different cultures, food, traditions, and art along side my wonderful husband is what makes my heart aflutter. I am currently training for my first marathon (who am I?) and am a bit obsessed with the sport. I have two fur-kids, Maybelle and Pepper, who are sure to make a frequent appearance on this little blog.

Again, welcome. I am so happy that you found me. Now, let's go have some fun :).

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